Dona Nobis Pacem

Dona Nobis Pacem translated to English is Grant Us Peace. I love the idea. If only it were so easy... Peace isn't a gift another can bestow upon us; however, peace is a gift we can join in bestowing upon the world.

As I think about what peace means to me, I find my heart racing and my breath becoming ragged. Peace isn't as much as about avoiding war and violence as it is about finding connections to one another. Peace comes when we learn to celebrate our differences rather than use them as excuses to hate. Peace breathes when we learn to acknowledge what we have in common with the person we consider the "other" in this world. Peace happens when we reach out helping hands to not only those we love but to those we deem as enemies. Peace spreads when we learn there is no such thing as an "other" because we all inhabit this Earth together.

Peace requires we take action. We can look for ways to resolve our problems without needing to exert our power. We can accept that while different we are all equal. We can judge people based on their actions and not our misconceptions. Or better yet reserve our judgment by realizing we may not know the whole story. We have the power to give others a chance to be their best selves as we strive to be ours. That is the power of cultivating peace.

Cultivating peace may not be especially easy, but we make it harder than it needs to be. Peace culminates when we put love into the world when hate feels easier.

Peace lives in my heart because I love enough to invite it in.

What does peace mean to you?


  1. Wow. I love the colours. Good words too. :)

    Best Peace blessings to you. :) ☮

    1. Thank you, Michelle! I wish you peace today and always!

  2. Peace is dynamic … and cultivate it, we must.


    1. Thanks, Rose! And cultivating it we are... Peace!

  3. "Cultivating peace may not be especially easy, but we make it harder than it needs to be." Indeed.

    Peace to you and yours on this and every day.

    1. Travis, thank you so much! Peace returned to you and yours!

  4. Peace is the power of connection; war is the power of disconnection. Peace means the chance to fertilise a human harvest of love and understanding. Some lovely thoughts.

    1. Yes, Gemma! Precisely! Sending thoughts of peace your way! Thank you!

  5. Succinct and wise. Thank you for joining us and blogging for peace in November. Please continue to interact with this community. We need like-minded peaceful souls and spirits. You fit the bill quite nicely!
    Beautiful words.

    Peace to you and yours,

    #4253 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery at

    1. Mimi, I blushed at your compliment - wise... That' s a hard one for me to accept... I feel I have so much to learn! Life is one ongoing lesson! Joining you was my pleasure!! Thank you for the opportunity!! Thank you for the compliments!
      May peace always live in your heart and in your life!


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