Meet Me on the Other Side of You - A New Poem

It's been a while since I posted a blog and even longer since I shared a new poem...

Yesterday I read a poem, The Other Side of You, by my poet friend, Butch Knight. The entire time I read I kept thinking "Meet me on the other side of you" and today those words morphed into the poem below.

You can read Butch's poem, The Other Side of You, now or later.

And, here's mine...

Meet Me on the Other Side of You                                                                              

Meet me on the other side of you
Where the river filled with your tears flows
Where the mountain scarred with your heartache rises up
Where the valley of your vulnerability hides in the shadows
Where your nakedness stands in the beaming moonlight

Meet me on the other side of you
Where the trail leads past your smiles into the thorny brush
Where the rocks on the path force me to stop and ponder
Where the ruts fill with puddles of lost dreams
Where roots of your past are exposed

Meet me on the other side of you
Where the steep terrain of your losses leaves me gasping for breath
Where the sharp stones of your bitterness cut my feet
Where the weeds hide under the flowers of your smile
Where the you hide inside a dark and cold cavern

Meet me on the other side of you
So I can see both the beauty and the sorrow of your journey
So I can feel both the gains and the losses you’ve encountered
So I hear all the laughter and the tears you’ve expressed
So I can smell the sweet fragrance of your strength and vulnerability

Meet me on the other side of you
Where the wind whispers those secrets
You fear I will judge
So I can shiver under the hot sun with you
While we reflect on regrets

Meet me on the other side of you
So I can embrace your journey
Through the rising suns and the setting moons
We experienced on our separate meandering paths
Bringing us to this moment

Meet me on the other side of you
Where I can see the other side of me
Reflected in the snowfall
Of moments
We never shared

Then perhaps you can

Meet me on the other side of me
Embracing each other’s full reflections on the lake below
Instead of falling off the cliff
When we discover

The other side of each other


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