My Latest Endeavor Combines Cooking and Writing

My latest endeavor, Vegan Cooking with TLC, combines my love of writing with my love of cooking. I love going into the kitchen, taking a recipe or two as inspiration and creating my own version of it. I love to look in the pantry and the refrigerator and pull out some ingredients and combine them to come up with something new.

When I adopted an oil-free, plant-based, whole food diet a few years ago, I suddenly faced an opportunity to really play with recipes as I adapted old recipes to meet a plant-based diet as well as adapting vegan recipes to meet an oil-free diet.

As I shared my recipes with other people, many of my meat eating friends were surprised my recipes were vegan. Some even asked for the recipes. Over time as I shared more and more of the recipes I developed, I began to think about starting a recipe blog. I started by seeing if I could come up with year's worth of recipes. Once I did that, I decided it was time to share my recipes as well as my journey to a plant-based diet including resources.

I constantly play around with food and revise my own recipes because I'm always looking for ways to make them tastier, easier to make, healthier and more versatile. Whenever I create a new version, I'll share that as well. Feel free to play with my recipes to add your own special touches and let me know how they turn out.

I hope you'll check out my Vegan Cooking with TLC whether or not you're vegan...


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