Expanding Light, Expanding Love

Sometimes I find it impossible to quiet my mind. Today has been one of those days. As I've tried to work through the things I needed to do, my mind has felt chaotic. Even meditation didn't help much. Even yoga didn't help much.

Today's post was scheduled to be about reading fiction, but instead I'm stuck on how difficult it can be to quiet one's mind even with all the tools that usually work. Sometimes we have to let ourselves feel the chaos in our minds in order to quiet it and move on.

My meditation this morning focused on expanding one's light out into the world. As I meditated, my thoughts settled on my decision several years ago to make a concerted effort to live from a foundation of love. As I meditated, I imagined the light emanating from me as that foundation of love.

The more I make a concerted effort to live from a place of love, the stronger I feel. Living from a place of love isn't about allowing people to walk all over me or about denying the negativity I sometimes face and even feel. Just like gratitude can often shine a light on what's not working in our lives, love can point us toward what needs our attention in life, in society, in the world.

When I first started making a concerted effort to live from a place of love, I thought that meant I failed every time I felt angry or hurt or betrayed or even a moment of dislike. What I came to understand is that when I live from a place of love, all those so-called negative emotions take on a different role in my life. Those emotions help me see where I need to make changes. Living from a place of love doesn't fix everything in life, but it helps one face the challenges in life with a more proactive stance.

The more I thought about the connection between projecting love into the world, the more I remembered that love must be active to be effective. 

Love isn't about what we get back when we put love into the world. Love gives us the opportunity to connect and understand and grow.

Love is where we begin to break down the barriers that keep us apart. Love is where we find the strength to seek the change that unites us and lifts us all up together. Love is where we see our humanity and the value of the world in which we live. Love is where we see our similarities as starting points and our differences as assets allowing us to work together to find solutions that work.

I started to focus on living from a foundation of love because it had to be better than living in the constant underlying fear that had overtaken my life at one point. When I embrace the love within, fear becomes a tool to alert me rather than a state of being making it easier to discern between genuine fear and manufactured fear.

I choose once again to live from a foundation of love and to emanate that love into the world every chance I get. And, when I feel the light of that love emanating back to me, I will accept it joyfully.


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