Nothing Left to Say

Sometimes it feels like there's nothing left to say. It feels like everything that could be said has been said. There are times when we have repeated ourselves so many times, we start to think the message will never be heard. Does it really matter what we communicate if the words go willfully unheard time and again? I'm not sure, but I know we can't stop speaking up. I can't stop speaking up even when I'm exhausted and it feels like no one cares about facts.

Sometimes what seems so obvious to me is completely lost on other people. I want to believe that at heart people are good, but I'm not as sure as I used to be.

As I talk to people, even people to whom I'm close, I often feel like we're experiencing the world from completely different places and that stops us from finding a way to meld the worlds we experience in a way that benefits us all.
It's one thing to agree on a set of facts but to have differing opinions about what those facts mean. At least there's common ground in that discussion. It's a completely different reality to live in a world that seems to have forgotten that facts and opinions aren't the same things. Opinions don't change facts. Facts can change opinions.

If we're operating from realities that are so far apart we can't find common ground, solutions will continue to elude us...

Yet, it's really hard to bridge that gap... I suppose the real question is whether or not we even want to...

I might find the need to take a break, to give myself time to refresh, to give myself a much needed respite from speaking up, but I will keep speaking even when it feels like there's nothing left to say. I have to. Otherwise, what's the point?


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