2022: The Good and The Bad

What now? The end of 2022 is upon us. In a few hours, it'll be 2023.

How was your 2022?

Funny how I haven't heard that question asked much lately. But then again, I've been housebound due to a foot injury for much of the last few months.

As I've stated many times over, I don't really get the big deal about the end of the year and the beginning of a new one. Life goes on regardless of what number is on the calendar.

That said, I think 2022 has been both good and bad, like most years.

On the professional side, I'm rather happy with the progress I made on my poetry. I'm not as happy with the progress I made on the novel I'm working on. I'm happy with the cards and other products I've created on Zazzle. I'm not as happy that both this blog and my cooking blog, Vegan Cooking with TLC, ended up rather neglected this year. I'm happy I posted more reviews on Reviews with TLC this year and figured out how I want to approach reviews going forward (not the way I did in 2022).  I'm happy I sold quite a few of my books this year. I'm not happy I didn't sell more than I did. I'm happy that I was inspired to write some new fiction even if it was all short fiction.

On the personal side, I'm glad we got the concrete pad poured on the side of the house. I'm sad there were no trips to visit family or friends this year. I'm glad Todd and Kit, our cats, are both doing well in spite of their individual medical issues. I'm glad I've managed to stay in touch with some friends quite regularly. I'm sad that other friendships haven't been connected in a meaningful way. I'm glad I've been able to connect via text, phone, etc with family members. I'm sad I haven't been able to connect with other family members. I'm glad I'm overall pretty healthy. I'm sad about the aforementioned foot injury. I'm glad that for most of the year, I was active - walking more and increasing the intensity of my yoga practice. I'm glad I'm still eating a plant-based diet.

My 2022 was a big soup of the good and the bad that has simmered for what feels like not long enough and too long all at the same time.

How do I feel about 2023?

I don't know. It's not here yet. My best guess is that it'll be a mix of good and bad just like most years. I  hope the good outshines the bad!

How was your 2022? 

What do you hope for in 2023?


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