Can I Commit to Uncommitted Oregon?

As someone who has long refused to register with either of the major political parties in the United States as a statement on the issues I have with both parties, I've struggled with how to embrace Uncommitted Oregon.

While my values tend to trend liberal, even progressive, I often find the Democratic Party falls short due to the influence of lobbyists, PACs, and corporate influence in general. And the Republican Party's values tend to be completely out of line with mine, or frankly my world view in general.

When Uncommitted Oregon started getting off the ground, and I saw the behind-the-scenes work going on, I was both intrigued and conflicted.
In Oregon, I have to be registered with a major political party to vote in that party's primary. I fully support Uncommitted Oregon's message that an immediate and permanent ceasefire throughout Palestine must happen now - well, yesterday or many yesterdays ago, that humanitarian aid must be allowed into Gaza via land crossings now - again yesterday or many yesterdays ago, and that military aid to Israel must cease now - yet again, yesterday or many yesterdays ago. 

Granted, I have a little time to make a decision because the deadline to change my affiliation to Democrat is April 30th. Still, it's a tough decision for me. I understand why it would be an easy decision for some, but I struggle with it.

I wholeheartedly support the idea behind Uncommitted Oregon and their efforts. My only struggle is with giving the Democratic party the idea, even for a short time, that I support their corporate agenda and their lackluster attempts to make real progress on the issues that matter to liberals and progressives while still displaying their loyalty to their big money donors over people.

If you are a Democrat in Oregon, I urge you to fill in the write in bubble and write in Uncommitted for your vote in the Oregon presidential primary. If you are an unaffiliated voter, like me, debating whether or not to change your affiliation for the primary, that's a decision you have to let your conscience guide you in making. I encourage you to vote your values and make your voice heard. 

Ballots are due May 21st.

Let's be honest, President Biden will be the Democratic nominee, so this is literally just a chance to send him a message that we, in Oregon (and nationwide), see how he is encouraging, allowing, and participating in the dehumanization of the Palestinian people and that we won't stand by and let genocide and ethnic cleansing happen on our watch.

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