PAD Challenge - Day 24 - Tell It to the Heart

Today's WD 2014 April PAD Challenge poetry prompt, Tell It to the..., intrigued me. Again, there were so many ways I could go with this one, but, to be honest, an idea jelled pretty soon after I read the prompt this morning. It's funny how some days the prompt just takes me for a nice gentle stroll, other days it smacks me down, and some days I pull on its leash while it refuses to take a single step forward until I finally give the leash some slack. This was a gentle stroll day through a meadow kind of day... :-)

Here's my Tell It to the... poem...

Tell It to the Heart

My brain hears your words
But my heart can’t make sense of them
They resonate on a wavelength my heart can’t find
Riding a storm of promise
Through the sunshine of doubt
On a broken branch of logic
Leaving me like a hayfield waving in the wind
I long for your words to be cut and dried
To feed this aching heart the sustenance it desires
Next time you wish to appeal your crime
Tell it to the heart
The brain no longer cares


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