PAD Challenge - Day 25 - Last Straw First

It's hard to believe we're already on Day 25 of the WD 2014 April PAD Challenge. When I read this morning's prompt, write a last straw poem, my first thought was "You took the last straw first" which on its face confused me, but the thought stuck with me all day. Finally I decided to just go with it.

Here's the resulting poem...

Last Straw First

You took the last straw first
My heart ached because
Your greed made you jump
To the end
Before we even began
I lamented your decision as you
Chewed the straw trying to release
All the moments that should have come before
You tried to convince me
One straw was same as the next
But the reality is we both know
When you take the last straw first
You cheat yourself out of the joy
Of all the straws leading to the climax
Held within the final straw
So maybe next time you’ll
Leave the last straw until last…


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