
Showing posts from February, 2013

Atrocities Ignored...

The excuses we make... The lies we accept... The half truths we savor... The lengths we go to... All to avoid facing the atrocities human beings inflict upon one another and other living beings. Lately, it seems like every day I see yet another atrocity yet another human being has inflicted on yet another human or other living being. I want to turn away. I want to not see. I want to not know. And, yet, if I don't look, if I refuse to see, if I deny knowing, I become implicit in allowing atrocities to continue even if I have no direct involvement or influence. Yet, somehow looking, seeing, knowing also feels wrong at times - voyeuristic almost - even though I know the only way to change things is to first acknowledge their existence. I ask myself how people can inflict the kind of abuses, torture, and cruelty on other people as well as on animals without seeming to care at all. Even though I've studied criminal behavior and psychology, I still can't comprehend how human...