Blogger's Block...
Blogger's Block... Is that a thing?
Regardless, I think I've had it lately...
I've written several posts and discarded them for a variety of reasons.
Regardless, I think I've had it lately...
I've written several posts and discarded them for a variety of reasons.
I wrote one post about the advice we hear so often to do things first thing in the morning. That piece of advice grates on me every time I hear it. We all have so many priorities in life, it's impossible to take care of all of them first thing in the morning, and I honestly believe trying to sets us up for failure rather than success. I understand the idea behind the advice, but the practice is ludicrous. Close your eyes and imagine doing every thing you prioritize first thing in the morning. Stressful, huh! I think a far better alternative is to look at your day and space out your priorities at intervals that allow you to give each the attention it deserves. But, that's just me. That post got long and windy and... well, a bit ludicrous, so I deleted it.
I also tried to write an open letter to Prince's family because I'm disheartened that all the work he did to control the sharing of his work online is being undone within weeks of his death. He made it no secret he didn't like all the lax sharing of people's creative work, and I feel we need to respect that. But, I was also guilty as I listened to people's uploads and even shared a version of Darling Nikki on Facebook. And, again, the post began to meander. So... I deleted that post.
I also considered sharing a poem I wrote about a memory related to a Prince song, but my heart protested because it wasn't ready to share that personal moment yet. So... I didn't...
I started several other posts that quickly turned far more political than I intended, and since I try to avoid politics on this blog, those had to go. We've politicized so many social issues, it's almost impossible to discuss any social issue without politics sliding into the discussion. I have some very clear opinions based on facts not on rhetoric or media or party allegiance. I refuse to join any political party on principle. See, even this acknowledgement that I wanted to avoid politics took on a bit of a political slant. So, I didn't...
I started a post inspired by how watching The Hunting Ground affected me... and that one I'm determined to figure out a way to finish... well, rewrite since I ended up deleting the first draft. It meandered in far too many directions to make any sense to anyone. So, I didn't, but I will...
I started a post inspired by how watching The Hunting Ground affected me... and that one I'm determined to figure out a way to finish... well, rewrite since I ended up deleting the first draft. It meandered in far too many directions to make any sense to anyone. So, I didn't, but I will...
I started a few posts on writing including one on National Poetry Month. The only one that survived was the short post I wrote about reading at Salem Poetry Project. (my reading)
There's so much going on in the world, which I suppose isn't anything new, but I somehow feel slightly more adrift than moored lately as I try to process it all. I have allowed that to affect my blogging.
There's so much going on in the world, which I suppose isn't anything new, but I somehow feel slightly more adrift than moored lately as I try to process it all. I have allowed that to affect my blogging.
On the positive side, I've also been putting more attention into editing two of my books in progress projects and I participated in a couple of Poem a Day challenges in April for National Poetry Month, which hasn't left me as much time to dedicate to blogging. Priorities...
So when it's come to the blog, I've mostly typed, felt my message veer in too many directions and just not express the message I intended to express. It happens. It's part of having a creative career. Sometimes things just don't work the way you want them to. It's writing. It's life. It's the world we live in.
So when it's come to the blog, I've mostly typed, felt my message veer in too many directions and just not express the message I intended to express. It happens. It's part of having a creative career. Sometimes things just don't work the way you want them to. It's writing. It's life. It's the world we live in.
I would promise to do better, but I'm not sure that will happen. My goal with this blog is to share bits of life and my experiences and what I learn from life as well as how that all influences my writing. When I feel I can't, this blog will likely go silent until I feel I can...
But, I'm determined to not let Blogger's Block silence me for too long...
And the clock ticks on...
But, I'm determined to not let Blogger's Block silence me for too long...
And the clock ticks on...
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