Support Authors Without Buying Books...

Boise, Idaho Downtown Library in 2002
On several occasions over the years since I published my first book, someone has said some version of "I like your work, but I just don't buy books." To be honest, this used to bother me. I pour my heart, soul, and mind into every book I write, so it felt personal when someone told me they didn't buy books. 

Over time I've come to realize there are many reasons people opt not to buy books, none of them are a reflection on me or my work. Some people can't afford to buy books. Some people don't buy books because they don't like to keep books for a variety of reasons. Some people are minimalists. Some people don't get joy from seeing books on a bookshelf. Some people see buying books as wasteful.

I generally just smile when someone tells me they don't buy books. I'm not interesting in coercing someone into buying one of my books if they don't want it. I want people who do buy my books to feel good about buying them. At the same time, selling books is essential to me earning money.

Several of the people who have told me they don't buy books have also iterated that they would like to support my writing career in some other way hence this blog post. I started thinking about how people who don't want to buy books can support writers.

Following are a few ways that people who don't want to buy books or own books or keep books can support writers.

Ask your local library to carry an author's book. They might or might not be able to, but by asking you bring the book to their attention. If enough people in an area are interested, they might decide it's worth buying for the library's collection.

If the author offers the ebook for free, download it. This helps raise the author's profile on the platform where it's being sold, such as Amazon, Kobo, Smashwords, etc. You can delete it after you read it if you want.

If an author writes a blog, visit the blog. Clicks help. Views help. Reading and commenting helps. Share blog posts you enjoy on social media.

If the author writes for an online media outlet, such as Medium, read on their articles. If you clap for the article, even better. Share these articles as well.

Follow the author on social media. By following the author, you can see when they have something new to offer. You can easily like and share their posts.

If the author posts videos on YouTube or Vimeo, watch them. The views help the author's profile on the site.

Review the book online. If you've checked the book out from the library, downloaded it for free, or even borrowed it from someone you know, you can share your thoughts about the book on a number of sites that allows views, including Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or other bookstores where you have an account. See my article on Medium about writing a fair review.

Tell your friends, family, or even strangers. When someone is looking for something to read, tell them about your friend who has a book.

I am sure there are other ways to support authors without buying books. Feel free to share any ideas you might have about other ways to support authors without buying books. 

In fact, today I was stressed out and struggling to get to my work because my morning hadn't gone to plan. A friend texted and asked if I wanted to go for a quick walk, a walk I desperately needed. She didn't know that, but as we walked and chatted, I felt the stress of the morning drain away. By the time I got back to the house, I was ready to return to my work. While this might not seem supportive in the sense of supporting my work, it is supportive in that the walk allowed me to be more productive. So, sometimes, just reaching out to a writer friend offers much needed support.

 I, like most authors,  would like it - no, I'd love it - if everyone bought my books. Besides the satisfaction of know people like our work enough to spend their hard-earned money on it, we have bills to pay, too. As someone who works to minimize my consumerism, I accept the reality that not everyone can or is willing to buy books.

That said, next week I'll share some some good reasons to buy books.



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